Monday, June 9, 2008

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Java Programming for Engineers

Paperback: 360 pages
Data: June 20, 2002
Format: PDF
While teaching Java programming at Minnesota State University, the authors noticed that engineering students were enrolling in Java programming courses in order to obtain basic programming skills, but there were no Java books suitable for courses intended for engineers. They realized the need for a comprehensive Java programming tutorial that offers basic programming skills that can be applied in the field of engineering. With this in mind, the authors developed Java Programming for Engineers in order to meet the needs of both engineers and engineering students. The text uses the personal computer as a development platform and assumes no prior programming experience or knowledge. The only skills expected of the reader are basic keyboarding and user-level familiarity with the PC. Topics covered range from mathematical expressions to linear systems to engineering graphics. Chapters on problem solving skills and the designing of engineering applications walk readers through real word problems they might encounter. Divided into two parts, Part 1 is a description of the Java language, of the fundamentals of object orientation, input and output operations, and error handling. Part 2 is about Java programming for engineers. It starts with computer number systems, fixed- and variable-precision numeric data, mathematical programming in Java as could be of interest to engineers, and concludes with an overview of Java Graphics.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Waite Group's Object-Oriented Programming in C++, Third Edition,

Waite Group's Object-Oriented Programming in C++, Third Edition, The
by Robert Lafore

Publisher: Sams
Pub Date: November 25, 1998
Print ISBN-10: 1-57169-160-X
Print ISBN-13: 978-1-57169-160-6
Pages: 960
Slots: 1.0

Book Description: This tutorial presents the sophisticated new features of the most current ANSI/ISO C++ standard as they apply to object-oriented programming. Learn the concepts of object-oriented programming, why they exist, and how to utilize them to create sophisticated and efficient object-oriented applications. This book expects you to be familiar with basic programming concepts. It is no longer enough to understand the syntax and features of the language. You must also be familiar with how these features are put to use. Get up to speed quick on the new concepts of object-oriented design patterns, CRC modeling, and the new Universal Modeling Language (UML), which provides a systematic way to diagram the relationship between classes. Object-oriented programming is presented through the use of practical task-oriented examples and figures that help conceptualize and illustrate techniques and approaches, and questions and exercises to reinforce learning concepts.



The C language was created, designed and written by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 at Bell
Laboratories. C was designed to run under UNIX operating system on the DEC, PDP11
Features of C :-
a) Portability :- The best feature for which C gained popularity is the portability of
code. The C language programs could be run on variety of computers with a little or no
change in the source code. Which means the C language code can be used under various
operating systems.
b) Efficiency :- The C language is efficient in two ways I) The source code is very
compact ii) Memory Management through C is very efficient.
c) Modularity :- C allows separately compiled modules which can be linked together.
The programs can be written in well structured manner. C is a language of functions.
Various modules are written as functions.
d) Pointer Operations :- C is very powerful in pointer operations. Pointers can be set to
various data types as well as to funtions, structures etc. Arrays can be manipulated with
the help of pointers.
e) Flexible level :- C programs can be written with the features of high level languages
as well as that of low level languages. C thus fits in between the two. C is not a ‘strongly
typed’ language. There are no bounds to number of array elements.
f) Case Sensitivity :- C is case sensitive. Which means the upper case and lower case
characters are treated differently in variable names, function names etc.
ANSI C :- ANSI stands for American National Standard Institute. The ANSI set a
standard for C language in 1990. This was for the various compiler developers to use this
standard. However many compilers are not strictly adhering to the ANSI standard.
Structure of C Programs :- Since C is a language of functions, let us understand
what a function means;
A function is an entity which accepts some input, processes the same and gives the
output. The type of function is determined by its output. The function can be used as its


Handbook of Data Structures and Applications by Chapman & Hall/CRC

Although there are many advanced and specialized texts and handbooks on algorithms, until now there was no book that focused exclusively on the wide variety of data structures that have been reported in the literature. The Handbook of Data Structures and Applications responds to the needs of students, professionals, and researchers who need a mainstream reference on data structures by providing a comprehensive survey of data structures of various types. Divided into seven parts, the text begins with a review of introductory material, followed by a discussion of well-known classes of data structures, Priority Queues, Dictionary Structures, and Multidimensional structures. The editors next analyze miscellaneous data structures, which are well-known structures that elude easy classification. The book then addresses mechanisms and tools that were developed to facilitate the use of data structures in real programs. It concludes with an examination of the applications of data structures. The Handbook is invaluable in suggesting new ideas for research in data structures, and for revealing application contexts in which they can be deployed. Practitioners devising algorithms will gain insight into organizing data, allowing them to solve algorithmic problems more efficiently.

  • Hardcover: 1392 pages
  • Publisher: Chapman & Hall/CRC; 1 edition (October 28, 2004)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1584884355
  • ISBN-13: 978-1584884354

Algorithms for programmers by Jorg Arndt

Algorithms for Programmers

Author(s) : Jörg Arndt
Last Updated : February 14, 2007

This is a draft -- a work in progress

Draft review:

This draft is first created to accompany the already established collection of FXT libraries by the same author, on the fast transforms and low level algorithms. So far there has been 23 chapters of selected algorithms, each contains the necessary theorems and the corresponding code. While some topics (like Fast Fourier Transforms) need a clear and explicit introduction, some others (like the bit wizardry chapter) seem to be best presented by basically showing the code with just a few comments. The pseudo language Sprache is used mainly when the corresponding C++ does not appear to be self-explanatory. Still, larger pieces of code are presented in C++.

The latest 23 chapters so far:

- Bit wizardry
- Permutations
- Sorting and searching
- Data structures
- Combinatorial algorithms
- Searching paths in directed graphs
- The Fourier transform
- Algorithms for fast convolution
- The Hartley transform (HT)
- Number theoretic transforms (NTTs)
- The Walsh transform and its relatives
- The Haar transform
- and 10 chapters on arithmetical algorithms

The theorem parts is presented in a straightforward and point-to-point style, useful for both learning and quick reference purposes. And the implementation source code is kept in a strict and optimized style. And since I'm personally not very fond of devouring algorithm theorems with those curly mathematic notations, I found the source code really helpful in understanding them.

Overall, this is a nice collection of algorithms in a compact and no-nonsense style with reasonably optimized working code and pseudo-code. Definitely will do a great favor for students of computer science.

Since this book is still a draft, the readers are welcome to criticize and make suggestions. Publication is planned for summer 2005.


Introduction to Telecommunications Network Engineering, Second Edition by Tarmo Anttalainen

Product Description
...the second edition covers recent market & technological advances that are bringing about the integration of telecommunications networks & the internet...also offers a clear explanation of the operation of each internet protocol

Book Info
Thoroughly revised and updated to deliver a current and comprehensive introduction to a broad range of networking technologies. Explains the networking essentials that professionals need to know, including: protocols and operation of the Internet (IP, TCP, HTTP); and Internet access systems such as ADSL. Covers recent market and technological advances. Previous edition: c1999.

Product Details
  • Hardcover: 402 pages
  • Publisher: Artech House Publishers; 2 edition (March 2003)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1580535003
  • ISBN-13: 978-1580535007
  • Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 6.2 x 1.2 inches

fundation of classical dynamics Friedrich W. Hehl & Yuri N. Obukhov

Description of the book
Electric and magnetic phenomena are omnipresent in modern
life. Their non-quantum aspects are successfully described by
classical electrodynamics (Maxwell's theory). In this book, which
is an outgrowth of a physics graduate course, the fundamental
structure of classical electrodynamics is presented in the form of
six axioms: (1) electric charge conservation, (2) existence of the
Lorentz force, (3) magnetic
ux conservation, (4) localization
of electromagnetic energy-momentum, (5) existence of an electromagnetic
spacetime relation, and (6) splitting of the electric
current in material and external pieces.
The rst four axioms are well-established. For their formulation
an arbitrary 4-dimensional di erentiable manifold is required
which allows for a foliation into 3-dimensional hypersurfaces.
The fth axiom characterizes the environment in which
the electromagnetic eld propagates, namely spacetime with or
without gravitation. The relativistic description of such general
environments remains a research topic of considerable interest.
In particular, it is only in this fth axiom that the metric tensor
of spacetime makes its appearance, thus coupling electromagnetism
and gravitation. The operational interpretation of
the physical notions introduced is stressed throughout. In particular,
the electrodynamics of moving matter is developed ab
The tool for formulating the theory is the calculus of exterior
di erential forms which is explained in suÆcient detail, including
the corresponding computer algebra programs.
This book presents a fresh and original exposition of the
foundations of classical electrodynamics in the tradition of the
so-called metric-free approach. The reader will win a new outlook
on the interrelationship and the inner working of Maxwell's
equations and their raison d'^etre.


Microcontroller Programming: by Julio Sanchez and Maria P. Canton

Product Description
From cell phones and television remote controls to automobile engines and spacecraft, microcontrollers are everywhere. Programming these prolific devices is a much more involved and integrated task than it is for general-purpose microprocessors; microcontroller programmers must be fluent in application development, systems programming, and I/O operation as well as memory management and system timing. Using the popular and pervasive mid-range 8-bit Microchip PIC® as an archetype, Microcontroller Programming offers a self-contained presentation of the multidisciplinary tools needed to design and implement modern embedded systems and microcontrollers. The authors begin with basic electronics, number systems, and data concepts followed by digital logic, arithmetic, conversions, circuits, and circuit components to build a firm background in the computer science and electronics fundamentals involved in programming microcontrollers. For the remainder of the book, they focus on PIC architecture and programming tools and work systematically through programming various functions, modules, and devices. Helpful appendices supply the full mid-range PIC instruction set as well as additional programming solutions, a guide to resistor color codes, and a concise method for building custom circuit boards. Providing just the right mix of theory and practical guidance, Microcontroller Programming: The Microchip PIC® is the ideal tool for any amateur or professional designing and implementing stand-alone systems for a wide variety of applications.

Product Details
  • Hardcover: 824 pages
  • Publisher: CRC (December 19, 2006)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0849371899
  • ISBN-13: 978-0849371899
  • Product Dimensions: 10 x 7.3 x 2 inches

Electrical Machinery Fundamentals BY Stephen Chapman

This book continues to be a classic machinery text due to its accessible, student-friendly coverage of the important topics in the field. Over 70% of problems are new or revised and includes practical details of machinery use.


  • Introduction to Machinery Principles
  • Transformers
  • Introduction to Power Electronics
  • AC Machinery Fundamentals
  • Synchronous Generators
  • Synchronous Motors
  • Induction Motors
  • DC Machinery Fundamentals
  • DC Motors and Generators
  • Single-Phase and Special-Purpose Motors
  • Three-Phase Circuits
  • Coil Pitch and Distributed Windings
  • Salient-Pole Theory of Synchronous Machines
  • Tables of Constants and Conversion Factors

  • Download